

Center for Global Ethics

This Center maintains links to thinkers, scholars, activists, and organizations from around the world, who are working to define, implement and promote policies of responsible global citizenship. As profoundly interconnected members of a global community, they recognize the need to develop and advance the acceptance of a viable and sustainable Global Ethic. http://globalethic.org/

Click here for the 1993 Declaration Toward a Global Ethic

Click here for the 2009 Global Economic Ethic

Click here for the 2018 updated Declaration Towards a Global Ethic, which includes the fifth directive,  Commitment to a Culture of Sustainability and Care for the Earth.

World Faith: Interfaith Youth In Action

World Faith changes global interfaith peace-building by engaging religiously-diverse young adults as stakeholders in their communities, cultivating human and social capital for economic and community development in the most divided communities in the world. http://worldfaith.org/

Jubilee Campaign

Jubilee Campaign is a non-profit organization which promotes the human rights and religious liberty of ethnic and religious minorities such as those in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Nigeria, China, North Korea and others: http://www.jubileecampaign.org/

Jubilee 2000

This was an international coalition movement in over 40 countries that called for cancellation of third world debt by the year 2000. This movement coincided with the Great Jubilee, the celebration of the year 2000 in the Catholic Church. It was a collaborative effort including people of different faiths and secular groups working together to alleviate the suffering of so many because of unjust debt, regardless of their religious or cultural background. From early 2001, Jubilee 2000 split into an array of organizations around the world.

Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations, 400 faith communities and 50 Jubilee global partners. Jubilee has won critical global financial reforms and more than $130 billion in debt relief for the world’s poorest people.  http://www.jubileeusa.org/home.html

After 2000, previously autonomous southern campaigns from the ‘Two Thirds World’ joined under the ‘Jubilee’ banner, becoming Jubilee South, and constituting an important global voice for justice for millions of people of varying multi-cultural, multi-religious backgrounds in the global south: http://www.jubileesouth.org/

Jubilee Debt Campaign is the UK’s campaigning successor to Jubilee 2000: http://jubileedebt.org.uk/

Jubilee Debt Campaign Multifaith is a unique UK project raising awareness within faith communities to tackle the issue of International Debt and global poverty: http://multifaith.jubileedebt.org.uk/.  Columban priest Ray Collier is actively involved with the Birmingham multifaith jubilee debt project: https://jdcbirmingham.wordpress.com/tag/multifaith-project/.

Jubilee Australia promotes accountability for the causes of poverty and injustice in Asia Pacific: http://www.jubileeaustralia.org/

Columban Society Position Paper on Economic Justice

Columban missionaries have recognized for decades that economic injustice is a barrier to the building of the Kingdom. Economic poverty is a form of violence against the dignity of the human person, and is inevitably linked to inequality.  Economic prosperity for the few has meant more and deeper poverty for many.  We see the results, especially in the lives of indigenous communities, women and children, farmers, low-paid workers, and migrants of this unfair distribution of economic security and access to quality life essentials.  Our Society’s Constitutions state:

We recognize the moral challenge of worldwide and local poverty, and allow this recognition to qualify all our thinking….  It means supporting the struggle of the poor for real participation and against injustice”. [D. 103]

This recognition as central to our identity has shaped Columban missionary work for many years.

For full statement click on the link below:


Global Freedom Network (GFN)

This multi-faith initiative was launched in the Vatican in March 2014 with the purpose of working together to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking. Representatives of the Holy See, the Church of England and Sunni Islam were signatories. http://www.globalfreedomnetwork.org/

The declaration can be downloaded at: http://www.anglicancentreinrome.org/Articles/396314/Anglican_Centre_in/Justice_and_Peace/GLOBAL_FREEDOM_NETWORK/Global_Freedom_Network.aspx

On 2 December 2014 – the UN day for the abolition of slavery – the GFN signed a declaration pledging to work to help end modern slavery in the world by 2020. Pope Francis and 11 leaders representing the Muslim, Jewish, Orthodox, Anglican, Buddhist and Hindu faiths signed the declaration. http://www.globalfreedomnetwork.org/declaration/

The GFN website has a substantial ‘Resources’ section which includes resources, statements etc. from the Catholic and Anglican Churches, Governmental anti-slavery legislation from around the world, International legal frameworks and much more. The Catholic Church resources can be downloaded at: http://www.globalfreedomnetwork.org/catholic-resources/

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC)

This is a partnership of faith-based organizations in the U.S. committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects their mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all human beings with dignity and respect. Coalition members’ work together to advocate for just and equitable immigration policies, educates faith communities, and serve immigrant populations around the country. http://www.interfaithimmigration.org/

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

In the Roman Catholic Church, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees was instituted by Pope Pius X in 1914.  It is celebrated in January each year.  In his 2014 message, Pope Francis puts before us the biblical commandment of welcoming with respect and solidarity the stranger in need.  His 2014 and 2015 messages can be accessed at: https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/migration/index.html

Columban Work on Migration

General Council, Hong Kong

Statement on the European Refugee Crisis, 11 September 2015: Columban missionaries around the world are heartbroken and outraged by the ongoing humanitarian crisis facing Europe in the waves of refugees coming from the Middle East and Africa. “Pope Francis urges us to offer ‘concrete hope’,” said Columban Superior General, Fr. Kevin O’Neill.   “For Columban missionaries, this means welcoming the stranger in our parishes and mission centers. We also advocate for national and international policies that address root causes of migration such as violent conflict and environmental and economic injustice. We take heed of the Pope’s Angelus address of 6th Sept 2015, when he called for a ‘concrete gesture’ ahead of a Jubilee Year of Mercy starting in December, calling on every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary in Europe (to) take in a family.’ ”

To download the full statement click here:  Statement on European Refugee Crisis


Columbans were instrumental in setting up two groups working for migrant rights: Kalayaan – Justice for migrant workers http://www.kalayaan.org.uk/ and Justice 4 Domestic Workers. In Birmingham, a highly multi-cultural, multi-religious area, Columbans are extensively involved with assylym seekers and migrants through many interfaith groups.


Columbans in the JPIC ministry are involved with work with migrants, from many different cultures and religions who have come in recent years. There is an annual Mass celebrated on the International day for Migrants and the Archbishop’ offers solid support in this ministry.


Columbans are involved in the Migrants Rights Center Ireland (MRCI) is a national organisation working to promote justice, empowerment and equality for migrants and their families, http://www.mrci.ie/


For many years, Columbans in Korea have been involved in ministry with migrant workers from many different cultures and religions.


Columbans founded the Hope Workers Center in Hsinchn in 1986 to assist local Taiwanese workers and migrant workers from many different cultural and religious backgrounds. A video of the Center’ swork can be downloaded at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSgVd-PM74c


Columbans are working in El Paso, near the Mexican border, with migrants, mainly from South America countries and assist them with legal, social and humanitarian help.

Columban Society Position Paper on Migration, September 2014

Whether as refugees, migrants, or asylum seekers, the movement of peoples is a reality for communities of all faith traditions. We seek to create space where people, especially migrants, can freely practice their faith and dialogue with people of other faiths as a witness to our belief in the universality of God’s love.

Extractive Industries

Columban Work in Relation to Extractive Industries

Columbans participate in a number of national and international networks and partnerships that address Extractive Industries: –



South America


Columban Society Position Paper on Extractive Industries, April 2015

Columbans live and work in countries impacted by Extractive Industries and see first-hand the human and environmental abuses associated with mining.  We seek out people and groups of other faith traditions who are actively involved in environmental issues, including resistance to Extractive Industries, in order to increase the effectiveness of our efforts. The combined efforts of those inspired by religious values gives greater conviction, access to greater numbers of people and added credibility to advocacy work.