المسيحيون والمسلمون: المشاركة في الأفراح والأحزان

المسيحيون والمسلمون: المشاركة في الأفراح والأحزان

المجلس البابوي للحوار بين الأديان

Original source: https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/interelg/documents/rc_pc_interelg_doc_20220408_ramadan-2022_ar.html

Attached please find the following pdf files of the PCID Ramadan 2022 message in Arabic:

Above and below please find white and tan jpeg images of the first two pdf files.  All are formatted to one page for convenience in sharing on various media platforms.

  • The ‘white’ files are for printing and distributing hard copies.
  • The ‘tan’ files (colour similar to the Vatican website) are for sharing digitally.  If you print the tan files, you will get a white border!
  • The jpg files are for sharing on social media.
  • The 4-page pdf file is for printing and folding formal A3 hard copies.

Please share with Muslim friends and contacts in your various personal, social and professional networks.